When we started to think some months ago about what exactly to do here, there was a long and really wide list of possible things and different actions we put in the box of "possible and not so impossible missions". It wasn't for the lack of a concrete direction, or of an helm to direct our different strategies and life experience in a defined one creative line, but I remember very well that during our so free brainstorming, one of the weirdest thing that came to my mind -in that moment- was something I really was believing strategically possible: making home made rice milk joghurt.
It makes a week and something we are active in Vienna and when we looked at the blog, something was missing, something really obvious: what did we choose to do for starting and what we are concretely making of all the brainstorming now?
We write about here, about our life here, about the aspects that every day are happening - for example right now Henna got out bringing home the sewing machine with the support of Franco' s car - as if everything was clear for someone that is reading and following our blog and as, and this is the point, if she or he finds relations between a post and the other.
One day we speak about a graphic design agency, another about a supposed magazine and the other one about a fashion project. The very first impression that someone may have reading us is that still the brainstorm didn't finish - that maybe now is directly mutated in a brainhurricane - or we completely are flipping out in this really beautyful capital city.
After the choice of a main project as trunk on which dedicating ourself more, the ideas we had two month ago started to be involved as ramifications or branch of a same tree. If I have now to explain you in very few words what is - You Are Our New Testimonials -, so what we choosed as main project, I could resume it in a social-fashion project.
As here we know nearly anybody, we thought that doing something that had to do with an opening movement to outside, to the wild blue yonder, to the infinite lots of thousands people living here, well ya, we thought it was a good idea for starting.
During the first part of the week we prepare a flyer that can't be found in lots of copies in town, every flyer that we give is a personal invitation because we want at first create a contact and speak with people, with the person we meet in the street, with the saleswoman at Boesner shop, with the coordinators of clubs or hacking the officials flyers of important events or vernissage just putting it in the middle.
We invite people to bring us a simple thing they have in their house that they don't use anymore: a t-shirt. This t-shirt after a photo with the ex-owner and a little interview is customized during the week, sewed, embroidered and following mini collection theme in a maximum of twelve pieces, sold to shops.
The buyer of the customized item is not just buying a -something- with just a price, she or he is buying a piece of our survival here, with not just a label but a personal unrepeatable Testimonial, the one that used before the t-shirt (obviously the t-shirt wonna be very much recognizable).
When we begun doing the firsts prototypes the few people passing by the atelier, friends of the other guys working in, asked us immediately if they could buy this for theirselves. We sincerly wasn't prepared at this. Not anyway surely in this so fast and nice way.
The sewing machine is now home, and we are ready to start with any other interruption. The unique pieces we will do during the weeks will be shown also on line as a virtual shop here. You can order them!!!
1 comment:
I just want to say Hi to Everyone!
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