Something is moving, something not. What was supposed to move is not moving, what is moving is the idea of staying more - at least the question is always one: how to catch a clear way where to draw a path where two different combined energies can do more than create brilliant internal wrinkles of skepticism and maneuvre in the void of the future for creating the possibility of the 0,000000012987% to arrive to stay in a place called Vienna when the time is rolling, the money is over, the project need an anti constipation medicine for going on and we, Henna and the writer of this post, we are subject to different enrollments in the future? Hollywood teach that there is always a sequel, and the sequel most of the time is the result of the will of earning still some money from the idea of a script where a corporation spent lots of billions of dollars. Think at Gremlins, Gremlins 2 or Gremlins 3, think to Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones and the bla bla and the other Indiana Jones and the other bla bla or also about Terminator. What is sure is that the characters, if they die during the first episode, they get back somehow resurrected by the will of Warner Bros or whatever else big boss. Well, ya, right now the thing is this, we are late, so late that it's incredible to realize it. Even now. Sewing machine exploded, and it will be ready next week. I will leave for fifteen-twenty days between March and April and here there is the will to stay maybe longer. Whatever you understood from this post it was offered by Institute of Brain Farming of Laxenburgerstrasse.
Something is moving, something not. What was supposed to move is not moving, what is moving is the idea of staying more - at least the question is always one: how to catch a clear way where to draw a path where two different combined energies can do more than create brilliant internal wrinkles of skepticism and maneuvre in the void of the future for creating the possibility of the 0,000000012987% to arrive to stay in a place called Vienna when the time is rolling, the money is over, the project need an anti constipation medicine for going on and we, Henna and the writer of this post, we are subject to different enrollments in the future? Hollywood teach that there is always a sequel, and the sequel most of the time is the result of the will of earning still some money from the idea of a script where a corporation spent lots of billions of dollars. Think at Gremlins, Gremlins 2 or Gremlins 3, think to Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones and the bla bla and the other Indiana Jones and the other bla bla or also about Terminator. What is sure is that the characters, if they die during the first episode, they get back somehow resurrected by the will of Warner Bros or whatever else big boss. Well, ya, right now the thing is this, we are late, so late that it's incredible to realize it. Even now. Sewing machine exploded, and it will be ready next week. I will leave for fifteen-twenty days between March and April and here there is the will to stay maybe longer. Whatever you understood from this post it was offered by Institute of Brain Farming of Laxenburgerstrasse.
Classified as visual poet
10 days ago we went to Naturhistoric museum near our atelier to do some sketces about whatever we were expecting to find from there. But neather in the wildest nightmares nor in the most beautiful daydreams we could expect to become so inspired about creativity and energy of all life. Two evenings ago Emanuele showed me his 5th clothes design prepared; so exciting product reminding me about this prehistoric experience gained, but still combined to some very modern and street wear attitude. I felt fascinated about our evolution; how people who never have worked together have start to find a common path that is not too Emanule but not too Henna neather. Tough i cant say its a compromise or any kind of mixture in-between. More likely this new land found, has launched an adventure, that has captured our energies and capabilities to even update this blogsite (that i excuse us). All Im dreaming at this evening soon finishing: how amazing will yellow rope look like on the new brown pointed canvas we bought today with flowers combined beige satin ribbon sewed on it to create a shape of a wild flower growing in the Finnish forest. Ulkomailla huomaan Suomen erityisen kulttuurin oleva ehtymätön innoituksen lähde. Malja sille! Kevät! Kevät!
art power in the Tunnel ending to light
despite of our hard macrobiotical nutrition diet, that Emanuele seduced me to take part, (in theory im alive but...), we will organize again a t-shirt collecting day next sunday in tunnel restaurant.
last sunday we received new quests and some old fans also, but there is still much more space free for new people to introduce themselves to this incredible social art gathering.
for those, who dont know whats going on, ill explain shortly here what we r doing: one of our art projects in Vienna is to collect t-shirts from viennian people and also take a little interview from the history of the shirt and photo (with a shirt). then we make artfashionshit from those items collected by customizing them with different techniques and themes. finally we will sell them forward and connect x-users and the new users together in some magical way.
so take your sweat smelling old t-shirt and bring it to us and join to this enlightning group making the world better place
info: 4th february from 3-6pm at "tunnel"restaurant", Floriangasse 39
and if u feel, we really enjoy the idea talking with u on a telephone: 068110336557 and 068110213123
photoshooted and -shopped

Changeable as the Weather

Yesterday in Finland there was minus ten. The last news I had from my family in the north of Italy was that there was twenty-one degrees.

Bring as many t-shirt as you can, we are thinking about a trophy cup for the one that will bring more at the end of this march!!!
A post we had to write much earlier

When we started to think some months ago about what exactly to do here, there was a long and really wide list of possible things and different actions we put in the box of "possible and not so impossible missions". It wasn't for the lack of a concrete direction, or of an helm to direct our different strategies and life experience in a defined one creative line, but I remember very well that during our so free brainstorming, one of the weirdest thing that came to my mind -in that moment- was something I really was believing strategically possible: making home made rice milk joghurt.
It makes a week and something we are active in Vienna and when we looked at the blog, something was missing, something really obvious: what did we choose to do for starting and what we are concretely making of all the brainstorming now?
We write about here, about our life here, about the aspects that every day are happening - for example right now Henna got out bringing home the sewing machine with the support of Franco' s car - as if everything was clear for someone that is reading and following our blog and as, and this is the point, if she or he finds relations between a post and the other.
One day we speak about a graphic design agency, another about a supposed magazine and the other one about a fashion project. The very first impression that someone may have reading us is that still the brainstorm didn't finish - that maybe now is directly mutated in a brainhurricane - or we completely are flipping out in this really beautyful capital city.
After the choice of a main project as trunk on which dedicating ourself more, the ideas we had two month ago started to be involved as ramifications or branch of a same tree. If I have now to explain you in very few words what is - You Are Our New Testimonials -, so what we choosed as main project, I could resume it in a social-fashion project.
As here we know nearly anybody, we thought that doing something that had to do with an opening movement to outside, to the wild blue yonder, to the infinite lots of thousands people living here, well ya, we thought it was a good idea for starting.
During the first part of the week we prepare a flyer that can't be found in lots of copies in town, every flyer that we give is a personal invitation because we want at first create a contact and speak with people, with the person we meet in the street, with the saleswoman at Boesner shop, with the coordinators of clubs or hacking the officials flyers of important events or vernissage just putting it in the middle.
We invite people to bring us a simple thing they have in their house that they don't use anymore: a t-shirt. This t-shirt after a photo with the ex-owner and a little interview is customized during the week, sewed, embroidered and following mini collection theme in a maximum of twelve pieces, sold to shops.
The buyer of the customized item is not just buying a -something- with just a price, she or he is buying a piece of our survival here, with not just a label but a personal unrepeatable Testimonial, the one that used before the t-shirt (obviously the t-shirt wonna be very much recognizable).
When we begun doing the firsts prototypes the few people passing by the atelier, friends of the other guys working in, asked us immediately if they could buy this for theirselves. We sincerly wasn't prepared at this. Not anyway surely in this so fast and nice way.
The sewing machine is now home, and we are ready to start with any other interruption. The unique pieces we will do during the weeks will be shown also on line as a virtual shop here. You can order them!!!
first gathering for t-shirt collecting at museumquartier
This sunday (21st jan) we dragged ourselves in front of the main entrance of Museum Quartier to fullfill our promise in the flyer delivered to people around: collect their used t-shirts! 3 litres of tea and cola plus 5 packets of biscuits with us.
Amazing weather was not exactly our friend: two times we needed to collect all our things flyed with the wind around the yard (biscuits and cameras included!)..and after one hour waiting in coldness i was sure we both will be sick next days.. meanwhile i was about to die for laughing so much: what a comic serie! what two sympatetically pathetic artist characters on the stage!
after 2 hours waiting and after eating two packets of biscuits ourselves we kind of realized that its obligatory to organize the project better: we received only two people during whole time (who both were our friends already). greetings mister R and madamoiselle M.

after 2 hours waiting and after eating two packets of biscuits ourselves we kind of realized that its obligatory to organize the project better: we received only two people during whole time (who both were our friends already). greetings mister R and madamoiselle M.
serious series and lovable lists

recipe for gaining energy to do all from "to do list":
1. one packet of "sissi taler" chocolates
2. double-pack of "ferrero" chocolates
3. different kinds of drink products
4. bio-pasta (lots)
5. sardiner different tastes
6. nice bread (fullcorn and carrot)
7. white vegetables
8. lost sesam cakes (not eaten)
9. some snacks
"to do list":
1. learn and practice new techniques for fabriques
2. travel around flee markets for accessories for clothes
3. write e-mails to new contacts in Vienna
4. phone to some people
5. prepare material for "t-shirt"-gathering for tomorrow
6. visit 2 cultural centres
7. think about preparing precentation cd
8. plan how to have sewing machine
9. call to couple indie club for having a show there
10. share more flyers than yesterday
11. plan themas for t-shirt campagne for next week
among all above, take care of this:
1. be polite
2. be friendly toward others
3. dont shout
4. dont drink too much coffee
5. remember dialogue
6. accept compromises
7. believe in project
8. make another believe in project also
9. think about "to do list" for tomorrow
10. think about future in general
11. dont stress too much about the money
12. share your visions about your lifestyle
13. realize you r always late from what u planned to do
14. try to catch last metro at midnite to home
15. reach bed before falling into sleep with pasta in your mouth
(16. wake up with too little sleep, but very enthusiastic) (easy to do)
It have been really a loOoOooOOOooOong day in the atelier today. We begun experience with new printing and painting techniques on basic used old fabrics coming from our first Testimonials taking part to our fashion project - really nice by the way, for this yes, we are really very lucky - that after beeing modified in new shapes, presented themselves in all their astonishing new soul. It have been really a full day. Dankeschoen und buenas noches. Faites des beaux reves
after 5 days designing; visitenkarten

QueenBee and LittleBoyUnicorn at Kirchengasse
Flyer, fly fly!
We heard the Master's Calling!!!
Ok, have you ever heard about Mac Gyver? If not well - HE - was the main character of a serial film passing on tv some fifteen years ago that from a pen, some clothes peg and a little of bicarbonate was able to declare war to Pyong Yang from his canadian tent lost in Ohio or in some desertic place of Sahara. At the end of this soap-opera for masturbating engineers, that found theyr God in a blonde man with a cut of hair understandable in this television era just looking at some videos of George Michael before his solo-career in his group -The WHAM! - , Mc Gyver like a Buddha leaved a message to everybody in the planet : "Two people will come taking my place, they will be a girl and a boy, they will be skilled like me and using whatever tool with theyr volcanic creativity they will build up peace, eternal happyness and love through something I never used before, GRAPHIC DESIGN."
So, the people that still thinks that the end of the Cold War is just a vodka and hamburger trick made by some politicians is wrong. The words of Mac Gyver inspired HOPE in the soul of people around the globe, and hope generated a period that in the History Books is named " The Period of the Long Wait".
NOW, after nearly fifteen years from the end of the serial WE, Miss Queen Bee and Little Boy Unicorn - We - can reveal our real identities to the world and say that WE are the TWO chosen by Mac Gyver (now anymore Mac Gyver but Ananda Prem Karna Shempala - he is in India now teaching Peace and Love in a Jungle Ashram community near Poona), that appeared in front of us in his Spiritual Shape and told us the TRUTH concerning our real existence.
By steps, because HE is a Great Master of Life, HE told us to do the baggage and install a Graphic Agency in Vienna and spread his Love and Peace and Happyness and Whateverelse to the Mediatic World through the support of all the agencies that would help us. At the end, before disappearing, he just leaved this last sentence " Write Without Words".
So, now my dear graphic design agencies in Vienna, we are asking your support to follow the will of our Bright Master.
Sympatism in Suburbans

With inspiration received from Firenze art clothes store, we have focused on preparing our "ugly t-shirt" -clothes project: "You are our New Testimonials ". Plan is that after arriving to Vienna, we attack with flyers to every household in the neighbourhood and ask population to take part on this social art campaign. We will write on the flyer our artist identity and our mission that is essentially "is there another option than to prostitute us?" After a so warm and astonishing welcome message, we will ask them to give us their old-used-not-too-ugly-we-are-not-miracle t-shirts and posing for a photo of our customizing t-shirts- campaign. These photos will accompany their ex t-shirts in the travel from our atelier to the shops in format 8x8 as advertisement with our logo on the back in the shops where we will be sold.
The date of this public collaborative celebration of giving and receiving will also be published soon in this blog. It means that this located action is open for all the public (all of U included).
1st of January- Sacrifice of Lentils & Carrots Pie to all the Protecting Gods
When I woke up -feet on the cold marble ground- the first day of this year, it was too late for having brakfast with His New Presence, and maybe also for dividing some kind of lunch and sharing some nice words; so for admitting my personal fault and beg my pardon to Him and correct my lazy start, I made with the remaining parts of a lentils mousse and what was inside the wok of some other cereal and vegetable stuff cooked the Previous Dead Year, a nice pie, and I offered it to the New Year Gods of The Bright New Year represented in the altar by some dozen of winged angel heads, a yellow Jesus, a clay Buddha with a hole in his hand for holding incense, some flying sheeps, two mexican skull heads and the black spiders shadows eating each other meaning the beautyfullness of natural symbiosis of life and death. A good beginning not? Someone could say that I had to do some noodles or springrolls or lasagne or pasta con melanzane alla parmiggiana or some spaghetti or a moussaka or a bottle of Pepsi or some of my nails or the nails of my brother or a nicer pie anyway, but it was the meaning of the gesture, not the pie itself -the important thing- I thought looking at the belly of Buddha that seemed to accepted my present as a very delicious thing. So, to everybody there reading our blog, our narration of what does it mean for us as - ensemble - moving to Vienna in a few days, starting and building up from nothing with as resources embodied in us love and creativity: We wish you a really olimpionic and spectacular year remembering You that a sword is useless in the hands of a coward.
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